Wednesday, June 14, 2006


OK, I feel like I have totally disappeared off the face of the Earth. I haven't talked to friends for a long time and haven't gone anywhere. It's not my fault though! The kids are all feeling better but my neighbors are moving this week. Tomorrow is their last day actually. So I have been trying to be a good friend and help babysit. Wow, I have had her kids a lot this week! In an effort to help, our schedule has been completely thrown off. I am glad I can help...just worn out! I promise I will resume my regular life in a few days.

Harmony's last day is today. Kind of. Tomorrow they go in and are scheduled to be there for 2 hours. However, I am not going to drag all the kids over there just to turn around and be back in a little while. All she is supposed to do is pick up her report card. I am not worried about her report card or anything so today is her official last day. The kids want to have a sleep over in the living room. I promised that they could once Harm was done with school so tonight is the night!

I got to talk to Ben yesterday. They had gone to the out briefings, which is supposed to help them in going back to their "regular life". He also said that they had already had their baggage go to customs. He isn't quite sure when he leaves though.

We are getting some rain courtesy of Hurricane Alberto. Luckily, the termite guy got here yesterday before it rained. We haven't had any for a long time but this was a much more thorough treatment.

Friday we are going to head to the zoo with a friend of the boys. We saw them at Target yesterday and the boys are excited. Of course Harm will have to be dragged along but she likes the zoo so it's all good.

So obviously, my life has been a little nuts lately. That is why I don't have anything that exciting to talk about. One more day of babysitting....

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