Saturday, May 27, 2006

My hectic life...

I think my blog name is pretty acurate! This week was a whirlwind of things going on. I have been bad about emailing and calling and any sort of communication for a while so here is a nice looong update! :)

Mon-saddest day of the week for me. Why? It was the last day of stay and play. The boys were signed up at preschool to stay an extra hour on Mondays. Monday marked the last one. So I was busy trying to enjoy the freedom because and the boys. Together. All day...every day! Wish me luck.

Tues-Off to the Va Aquarium with Harm's class. Let me just tell you...there were some very interesting conversations being had on that bus! Once we arrived we started counting the volunteers vs kids. We had 7 adults for 16 kids! So Harmony and I got to go off by ourselves. At first she was bummed because she wanted to go with her friends but she realized how nice it was to go at her own pace...she loves to read every single plaque that has info. on it. The other kids not so much. After we went to a park so the kids could eat lunch and play. Came home, picked up Ethan, picked up Ivan and Connor and I cleaned and after Ivan took a nap...I crashed. Field trips are exaughsting! BTW-the bug guy came today and took care of the termites. That's what the bugs were...termites.

Wed-This was actually a somewhat non hectic day. Dropped Connor off for his last day of preschool. Sad. He didn't care but...of course all of the parents do. Tried to run a few errands while I was boy free. Well almost. I dont' really count Ivan. We went to Target and found cute little tins that I have no idea what I am going to do with but they are way cute. We headed to the commissary for a "quick trip". I swear that is impossible there. Saw a friend and chatted with her for awhile. Got in and got the much needed milk. Connor was all smiles on his last day. I swear that kid is so care free he doesn't let anything get to him. I babysat on Wed night for my friend.

Thurs-Another field trip. Yep another one. This time we headed to the zoo. Harmonys school gave the 1st graders a whole week of field trips because their classrooms were being used for SOL testing. to the zoo. This time there were not as many parents and so I had 6 kids with me. That included Harmony. I got a good group. This trip is what made Harm realize how nice it was to just have Mom. The other kids were off and running and she was trying to read all the info about each animal. Our zoo, I feel, does not have that much to look at. It is very spread out but...not much to look at. They gave us 2 hrs before we had to meet at the park and the kids were done in an hour. A couple of the kids had money so we went to the gift shop. Harmonys favorite. Back to another park and by this time it was humid. As the boys say, " It is hot and sweaty outside" I couldn't wait until we were home. There were tons of kids at the park, including middle schoolers that kept pushing the little kids around. Babysat again.

Fri-End of the year party for the boys. So sad. Ethan saying goodbye to Ms Skees made me teary eyed. He is so sweet and really does love his teacher. He told me that the only girl he likes is Ms Skees, but I said what about Ms Katie? Ms. Katie is a Ms. Skees too and so he said yeah her too. Katie has worked in their classroom for a few months. The kids "graduated" from preschool and got some cute scrapbooks. I love Connor's teacher because she is like me. Takes tons of pictures! So I have an adorable album of stuff he has done all year. Plus a disc with over 700 pictures that she took throughout the year. She charged $1 and I think it was the best deal ever! We came home and babysat for my neighbor, then she babysat for me so I could take the older kids to the beach. We just missed a thunder and lightning storm. Came home and babysat and then....vegged. We did nothing. Sat around. It felt nice. When I put Ethan to bed he asked me if it was a school night. I said, " no bud you are done, today was your last day. So he started crying and said " but I wanted to go to kindergarten tomorrow." The kid loves school.

Today we are doing...nothing. I was going to take the kids to a movie and decided that we all need a day at home. I am going to clean and hopefully get some scrappin' and card making done this evening. We will see! Anyway, since I am not even sure anyone reads this I am done. Off to clean house and all that other exciting stuff...


Cindy said...

You're not sure anyone reads this!!!!!! I think I'm offended!! I have a week like that coming up.......I'm scared!

Your favorite sister said...

sorry, sorry. I know you do...anyone else I am not sure!