Wednesday, October 11, 2006

one of those days...

Do you ever have one of those days when basically you are too tired to be Mom anymore? You are tired of picking up the same messes. You are tired of putting kids on time outs. Tired of making sure everyone gets a bath, their clothes out and their whole night time routine done so your morning has a little more sanity. Tired of changing diapers. Tired of getting sippy cups. Tired of closing the screen door every time they go out. Tired of making meals. And picking up after meals. Tired of fighting over time on YOUR computer. Or your tv. Tired of grocery shopping with cranky kids. Tired of fighting with almost 2 year old boys who don't want to get in their car seats. Tired of laundry. Tired of complaining over dinner. Tired of homework. Tired of signing paper after paper. Just plain tired....


Anonymous said...

What happened to the M list???

Susan said...

Buck up little trooper - tomorrow will be better :) All of us have those kind of days.