Monday, November 20, 2006

fake turkey

After we got home from school, Ethan asked me a question about what I had been doing today. I told him I went to the store and got the stuff for our Thanksgiving dinner. A turkey, a ham etc.
Ethan looked at me wide eyed and this is the conversation that followed:

E- " Can I see the turkey?"
M-"uhm, ok if you want too. It's in the freezer."
E- confused look
M- "sweetie, it isn't like the turkey that you saw on the farm. This one isn't alive anymore."
E " You mean somebody killed it?"
M-"yeah" ( enter Connor)
C- " So we are going to have a real turkey?"
E- " No Connor, it is a FAKE turkey. It isn't alive and it doesn't say gobble gobble anymore so it is a fake one." ( he runs off)
C- "Mommy, did you and Ethan kill a turkey while you were on his field trip?"
M- exasperated sigh. Sometimes these conversations are so hard!

On a different note, I made Ethan go apologize to Ms McKnight. She said that he really had her going and she is going to read him "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". I told her what he told me was the reason why he did it. Which I realize I didn't share here...He told me that he had just had a bad day and that he really missed me. I was telling her this and she said, " he is so devoted to his Mama. He just talks about you all day long.I bet he really did miss you!" sweet. Anyway, off to make dinner!

1 comment:

Susan said...

What a hilarious conversation! Have a good Thanksgiving. We'll keep Ben and his family in our prayers.