Wednesday, November 08, 2006

and the winner is....

With the most recorded votes ever, for one contestant, I am now officially the "meanest Mom ever." Yep. I even have the look to go with it. Kids know "the look". Vale, while he was here, told me that I wasn't as scary as his Mom, because I didn't have the look. I looked at him and said, " Oh you mean this..." and well he got the look .I told him we learn that look in Mommy school. Right before they hand us our Mommy cards. So what pushed me past the other contestants?

1) Yesterday, my friend picked Connor up from school.I said I would just pick him up from her house as I was just getting out of the commissary. She had bought her son the movie Cars. Despite telling Connor many times, that I would be at their house when they arrived, he basically got it in his head that he was going to go in and watch the movie. Imagine his dissapointment when he sees me. Here come the tears. And he throws a fit. Now, for the record, I had planned to get him that movie. I just hadn't done it yet. I finally got him in the car but would he stop crying? Uhm that would be a big NO. So I told him since he would not stop, he was not going to get the movie that day. Yes, I made my son wait a whole day after the movie was relased to get it for him.

2) This morning, still in her pj's and wrapped in her blanket, Harmony asked me if I knew where the gameboy was. Which she actually likes to call "game girl" but whatever. I told her there was no way that she was going to play it because she needed to eat breakfast, get her hair done, get her uniform on etc. etc. Did she accept this news graciously? No, she threw her blanket down and stomped off into the kitchen. I told her if she kept that up she wouldn't be playing it at all today. " I wasn't stomping. I was tapping my foot kind of hard." Then she is trying to talk me into letting her play. Finally, the reigning mean queen said, " You know what? I already told you that you weren't going to play. Your question has been asked and answered. I will not talk about it anymore. You are not playing game boy today but may try again tomorrow." So yeah I got the fit all over again.

3) Ethan poked Connor in the eye. On "purfose". He is grounded from playstation, computer games and gameboy for 2 days.

I think Ivan still likes me. I bought him a cute little wooden car from the Target $1 section, so I think we are still friends....

The lesson I am trying to teach them? Throwing a fit will get you the exact OPPOSITE of what you want. Life is so unfair! Ecspecially when you have a mean Mom like theirs!

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