Saturday, November 11, 2006

a do over

You know that scene in City Slickers, where Billy Crystal is telling his friend, that he gets to start over. That his life is a do over? Well that is a little of how I am feeling today. Or with our family and it's comedy of errors, maybe it is more like Groundhogs Day...

I had been excited to take the kids to Williamsburg. I thought they would really enjoy it. I thought Ben would like it too. Smile for pictures, or any of that nonsense? No, but he would enjoy it. It would be a nice day to spend as a family. And tickets for free that are usually somewhere around $50 a person? Fit well into our budget too. So what went wrong? Oh...

Ben stayed up too late ( like usual) and was tired and crabby. He is still taking painkillers for his back, and was feeling sleepy. The kids, were excited to go, and all woke up at around 5am. I mean they were excited but Christmas excited? I didn't think so. They all got up early though. Williamsburg, on the signs, is 37 miles away from Norfolk. However there is no sign that includes mileage with traffic. We sat in traffic until we hear " I need to go potty!" from Connor. Luckily, we were close. We made it to the visitors center and Ben grabbed Connor and ran to the bathroom. Just made it...Got our tickets and started the walk. It was 1/3 of a mile. But it was warm. Connor fell and scraped his knee and hand. Usually, Connor is all about Daddy and could care less what I was doing. BUT since he was hurt, he wanted to be right by me. Which, incidentally, is where Ethan always is. So they fought about who got to be with Mommy. We finally get to the town and are walking around. Ethan's listening skills were lets just say...not available...and everyone was complaining. I consoled myself with " at least I got some cute pictures." We stopped to look at the map and my camera screen, once again, read card error. Everything deleted. I felt...defeated. Yeah I know that rhymes.

We left shortly after and I felt pretty jipped. I started talking to Harmony and we decided to go back up today. So we were talking about it at dinner and the boys were talking about how they wanted to go back and see the rest of the town. I have a super saturday that I am going to today. Taking classes, helping a friend and doing a class. So I can't really skip. I wouldn't want to either,I love having Super Saturdays! :) So we are going to wait until Ivan wakes up from his nap and go again.

And I went last night and bought a new memory card. My old one was 256mb, and now I have one that is 1G. The difference was only $5 so...Now not only can I take my pictures over again...I can take 820! The kids and Ben are going to love that....

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