Friday, September 01, 2006

Tropical Storm Ernesto

I had planned to take Vale to the beach today. Yeah right so not going to happen. We are not even going to make it to the Y today! :( We are going to sit around and watch cartoons and pray that the power doesn't go out. Because I certainly DO NOT want to entertain 5 kids with no tv, computer, gameboys, microwaves etc. Doesn't sound fun to me! So be prepared that I might blog a lot today as we are going to be BORED! Anyway...I have been tagged,but it is a little different. Just 10 things I am grateful for. So all of you who read this, ecspecially those who live in Norfolk, and can't go anywhere anyway, you are tagged! 10 things you are grateful for. Either comment me with your list or put it on your blogs! Ok, ready set go...

1) That I didn't have to go out in the rain this morning! Poor Ben did!
2) that I didn't have to drag kids anywhere today!
3) kids that are excited for a "cartoon marathon"
4) I have a lot of time to clean up
5) nap times in the rain are the best
6) I can scrapbook today
7) I have groceries here
8) I have all day to pack up Vale's things
9)little boys who still want to cuddle while they watch cartoons
10) for a little 18 mo. old who is beating a dolphin swim toy with my cell phone

Life is good....

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