Thursday, August 14, 2008

Shout Outs

My cards are sitting on my desk, filled out and ready to be addressed. So since they are late, I just want to say

Happy 9th Anniversary to Amy and Edson! And....

Happy 29th birthday to my "little" brother Tom!

Hope your days are great and the cards will get there eventually! :)


Susan said... sweet...a hug from Argentina :) LOL.

I got a new calendar today - it's awesome, made by More Time Moms or something like that - anyway, as I was filling in important dates I realized that you are going to be 30 VERY SOON. Are you excited?

Happy birthday to Tom, too, and Harmony who never even got a card from me. I am officially a bad aunt.

Your favorite sister said...

Thanks for the reminder about my upcoming birthday. I was trying to forget! I am starting to feel old.

That comment from Argentina doesn't have a trash can on it, so I am not sure how to delete it! Grrr!