Sunday, September 23, 2007

miss me?

The other night, while checking my email and looking at my favorite blogs, I was complaining about people who hadn't updated. And today I realized that it had been awhile since I had updated mine! So what have you missed?

** picking my favorite Pokemon card out of a stack
** breaking up fights over Lego guys
** making vegi trays
** watching the Wonder Pets Save the Unicorn about a million times
** walked a lot of miles
**spent way too much time at the dmv
**helping kids with homework
**folding more laundry than I care to admit
** same goes for washing dishes
** going to a spouse club meeting
** going to a Hail and Farewell
** drinking a ton of water
** play dates
** emailing back and forth about girl scouts
** swimming
** dropping off kids at various places
** made lunches
** got up early
** stayed up late
** grocery shopped
So...see you didn't miss much! :)

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