Wednesday, April 26, 2006

4 months today....

It is really hard to believe, but today marks 4 months since I have seen Ben. As I was chatting with him last night, he said that they are scheduled to arrive home on June 26th. Which would be exactly 6 months. It is amazing how fast the time really does go. Now some days have seemed like they were never going to end...but over all the time has really flown.

I know there is going to be a big adjustment period. I mean there has to be. I have gone 4 months without his help, without someone to help make decisions, someone to cook for that likes things other than chicken nuggets, etc etc.

I am so anxious to have him home and I know the kids are too. Ben has a hat that Connor loves to wear. He wore it to school today and I know that he just wants something that reminds him of his Dad.

The time is winding down and I am ready for my husband to be home!

This morning on our drive to school, Ethan saw a sign for a rail road crossing. He said, " Mommy are you really going to drive us over train tracks?" I said " yes Ethan I am. " After we had crossed, he said, " Man Mommy, all those bumps really shake my brain."

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