According to our local news, we are now on a tsunami watch also. They are already opening up shelters across the island. As all of you as my witnesses, I will never again ignore the prophet's counsel to get a food supply and 72 hour kits. As soon as this passes, you better believe that I am getting my emergency preparedness kit READY!
Step back in time with me for a moment...
The weather was bright and sunny. The humidity was relatively low.Not a cloud in the sky. Nice beautiful day in Norfolk, VA. My sister Susan and her family were visiting. It was also Harmony's first week of pre-school.
Sept. 18, 2003...Hurricane Isabel hit. Power lines were down. Trees were knocked down and floating down the street. Rain and strong winds. Our family sat in a 100 yr old home, and watched as the water poured from the sky.The wind gusts were so strong that our gate was knocked over. Huge limbs were literally floating down the street. We were one of the lucky ones that didn't even lose power. It was a crazy storm.
The weather yesterday (our Tuesday) was bright and sunny. White puffy clouds in the blue sky. By afternoon, it had started to turn a little grey and windy.
The storm has now changed direction and we are expecting to get hit early tomorrow morning. There are also two storms coming up right behind this one.
I spent Monday fighting the crowds at the commissary and gas station. But I feel that I have everything I need. We have batteries, candles, canned food, water,paper products, clothes etc.
Our home is made of solid concrete. Ben describes it as " a concrete bunker". We honestly don't believe that we will suffer any damage. We figure we will lose power and that is about it.
As for now, our kids have a half day today. We will find out today if school will be in session for the rest of the week.
Although we don't feel like anything will happen, we ask you to please keep us and our family and friends in your prayers. Guam hasn't seen a typhoon in a long time and it looks like we are going to get hit.
Not to alarm anyone but, with the loss of power, we also lose our phones and internet. So if that happens, we will not have a way to get a hold of you. We will keep you posted as much as we can. We appreciate all your thoughts and prayers!
I remember Hurricane Isabel vividly! Now, we look back at it and laugh about our big adventure. It was scary, though, and I have no desire to go through it again :)
We'll keep you all in our prayers. Stay safe. We love you guys!
Thinking of and praying for you.....
You're in our prayers! Please be safe my friend!
We are praying for your safety. wow this would be some kind of goodbye gift from Gaum. I hope it isn't as bad as they are guessing. Keep us updated if you have power.
eeks! Good luck weathering the storm. I hope all goes well, we'll be praying for you!
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