Thursday, May 03, 2007

Why me? And why now?

Warning **whiner post**!! Just so you know....

As the countdown to our move continues (15 more days!!), life just keeps getting more hectic. And completely un-fun. I am sick. I was up last night with 2 sick kids. We hardly have any food in the house, because we don't want to buy something that we can not finish in 15 days. So normal dinners are a no-go. We have painting, packing, cleaning, purging and de-cluttering to do. We also have lunches to pack, passports to interview for, science fair projects, Mothers Day lunches, PTA programs and all that other good stuff.

I am tired and sick but don't have a choice. I have to get things done.

Tomorrow is my last scrapbook night. I am looking forward to going but I know I am going to be sad. The movers come a week from tomorrow. So much to do. So, so, so much to do!

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