Although it is hard to believe, Mason is already 3 months old!! Where did the time go?
We are feeling very frustrated, because thanks to the wonderful people who work at Guam Naval hospital, Mason is still not on our inusrance. Otherwise known as Tri-Care. They had him entered as "Baby Boy" instead of Mason. So we had to show them something with his actual name on it. I went and got his Guam birth certificate but we still have to go back.
So unfortunatley, he is STILL not on our insurance and STILL has not gone to the doctor. However, he is such a little chunky monkey that we know he is feeding just fine!
We had him blessed last weekend. Mason was the first baby to be blessed in the Dededo Branch. How cool is that?
He is able to roll over from tummy to back...if he gets mad enough! He has also been blessing us with sweet, gummy baby smiles...of course not for the camera though! I wish he would but I have yet to capture it.
He is a fabulous sleeper and has been sleeping through the night since he was about six weeks old. He spends his time, sleeping, playing on his baby gym, being entertained by his siblings or eating. He is staying up for longer periods of time. All we can say is he is the cutest little thing and we love him to death! (:
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