Monday, June 23, 2008

without fail...

For the love!! There is this phenomenon that occurs when your hubs deploys. Something always goes wrong.Seriously. When Ben left to go clean up Hurricane Ivan, I had car problems,that I had to deal with. When he went to Afghanistan, the kids locked themselves in a room, his truck was towed, had to have a tire changed, termites, almost got charged for the lawn not being mowed. When Ben went to California, we had just sold his truck and I had to frantically get a hold of him to get a paper signed, a problem with the dishwasher, and something else that escapes me at this moment. This doesn't just happen to me. I know many, many, wives who have dealt with this phenomenon. So what is the van is dead. Won't start. I need to go get a few things, sign a contract for my scrapbook classes, drop off orders and...I have no car. Huge Sigh.


Beth said...

Oh my heck! I am SO sorry! I hope you get it taken care of. What a drag...

becky said...

I hear that is common. I don't know how I would do it.