Thursday, May 22, 2008

dinner time

While Ben's parents were visiting, we took them down to the Chamarro village. We were there early in the evening and so we missed out on a lot of the hustle and bustle of the Chamarro village on a wednesday night. However, one of the things that really sticks out in Connor's mind was the "chicken on a stick". He absolutely loved the shish-kabobs and has asked me for them almost every night since.

Well with school being almost done,and homework is lacking, I decided to take the kids down last night. The kids were so excited to go down there. The food is cheap and you get a ton! I snapped some photos but I don't really think I did the place justice. I did find some local rubber stamps, so that was fun.

As we were driving home with our "chicken on a stick, red rice, lumpia, and another dish that I can't think of the name, the boys kept saying, "look how beautiful the sunset is" and "look at the water, it looks so pretty!" Finally they asked me why I didn't stop and take a picture. So I did. I am glad I didn't miss it!

1 comment:

Navylangs said...

My niece spent the summer with us a few years ago. She got such a kick seeing everyone walking around with their kebobs. They will forever by known in our house as guamsicles.