Monday, April 21, 2008

a Kennedy thing

Ben and I are always making comparisons about our kids. Who they look like, who they act like and where they get some of their personality traits/quirks. You know how it goes, if your child does something good you say guess what our child did, if they do something wrong it's, guess what your child did! Know what I mean. Well some things are just pretty obvious. Like this one. Harmony constantly has a book in her hand. When I tell her it's bedtime, she always says, "let me get a book first". At every meal time she has to have a book or a magazine with her. Something to read. And I can say without a doubt, that she gets that from me. My Mom could always be found sitting at the table, pouring over a book. Any request at that moment was met with, " just one more page" or " just let me finish this chapter". And now I do it. I mean how boring to just have to sit and eat right? Well it is now a generational thing. I am also pretty darn sure my sisters do it. What can I's a Kennedy thing!


Cire said...

Susan always has to have a book in order to eat and I always need to hae a newspaper in order to eat. Susan also needs the book when 'getting rid of the food' :) And on a related subject, Toby is being potty trained this week!

Susan said...

Yep, I'm guilty. I actually wait to have lunch until I put Toby down to bed, so that I can eat and read. I've also been accused of eating very slowly - I think that's because I'm used to reading while I eat!

BTW: We have a strict rule about no reading material at the table when we're eating together as a family.

Your favorite sister said...

You know I was reading over that post and should have also mentioned that we have that same policy. She is really only allowed too if it is not a family meal.

How is the potty training going? Ivan is maybe, possibly, showing a teeny tiny interest.Hopefully soon!

castlemom13 said...

Hey Marie,
It might not be a Kennedy thing but more like a Whitby thing, because I do it to. Not to mention a few of my kids have the same problem.

Susan said...

Ahhh...potty training. My favorite thing about being a mom. Actually, Toby is really good about Number 1, it's Number 2 that's the problem. We are doing a lot of sitting on the potty this week. He's going to father/sons this week, so I don't want to put him in underwear for that, but the next week it's all underwear whether he likes it or not!!

Susan said...

Its heather and your right. Cause i do it to!