Sunday, February 10, 2008

snip snip

Harmony has been growing her hair out forever. She had intended to wait until it was long enough to send to Locks of Love. was starting to cause us some problems. It was getting really tangly, hard to brush out, she didn't want to sit still etc. I finally told her she was going to get a hair cut. I am mean I know. But it was just as much of a hassle for me as it was for her. I said at the least she had to get it shoulder length. After that it was up to her.

Last Friday my friend Tiffany came and did it. And Harmony loves it! I keep finding her checking herself out in the mirror! :)It's cute.Plus it has hardly taken any time at all to do in the mornings. I don't know if she will ever grow it out again but for now we are happy.

I forgot to take a before picture but I did snap a good one of when she was working on her science project the week before. So you can see how much was cut off!

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