Monday, May 22, 2006

Tagged once again

I know everyone loves hearing about me! However, I promised I would respond to this one. Although Cindy, I have to tell you, this is the first one of these that has been censored!LOL! My friend Cindy sent this to me and some of the questions she felt needed to be censored. So these are my answers to the questions....

1) How long have you been married? 8 years in July
2) How long did you date before you were married? Nov-July
4) How long would you say the "honeymoon" phase lasted, and saying it's still going doesn't count? Well considering I got pregnant after only 4 mo. and Ben went back to school after 6 I would say not very long
5) How did he/you propose?He didn't, our counsel was to break up or get married and we knew we wanted to get married. He gave me my ring by taking me dinner while I was at work and when I asked if he had any gum he said no but I have this...and he gave me my ring
6) Does your spouse send/bring you flowers?sometimes
7) Do you consider your spouse a romantic? if he tries
8) Are you? Yeah, too much probably
9) What is your favorite romantic date together? We don't go onto many creative dates but I do enjoy cuddling up at the movies
10) Do you and your spouse hold hands in public? yes
11) Kiss in public? yes
13) Does he/she give you a kiss when he/she comes home at the end of the day? always
14) Do you have pet names for each other? yes
15) What are they? my lobster ( it's a long story but it has to do with the show Friends)

16) What is your favorite physical feature on your spouse?His eyes are gorgeous, and I love his hands
17) Do yo have a date night?not anything regular, just when we can get a babysitter
18) Do you sleep on your own side of the bed or do you cuddle when you sleep?no cuddling, roll over and go to sleep or I would never get a decent nights sleep
19) Have you ever been caught with your hand on your spouse's butt? No one has ever said anything to me but it's there often enough
20) How many times a day do you tell your spouse "I love you"?well since he has been gone I only get to talk to him once a day so it is usually only a couple of times, but when he is home... I tell him a lot I just don't count
22) Have you and your spouse ever been "interupted" by your kids? no
23) CENSURED----
.24) CENSUREDSo, if you've read this, feel free to be tagged. Why should I be the only one..............................

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